always remember every detail of your baby's arrival


for all expecting Mamas in the Twin Cities! 

Limited time offer!

You didn't have to worry about being able to remember every special part of your baby's arrival or fumbling with your phone.

You had each and every detail artistically and professionally photographed rather than hoping your sister got your best angle.

If you have a new little tiny due to arrive BETWEEN NOW and MAY 2024 and documenting their birth story is important to you- keep reading. I've got a special offer for you below!

Imagine if...

You had no regrets when it came to giving birth to your baby! Just beautifully captured memories.

After photographing the births of my older nephews, just because I was there and documenting is what I do, I was in awe. While they weren't the first births I had been present at, they were the first that I had photographed in an effort to tell and remember the story. And I wanted more.

While the pandemic slowed down my goal for a time, I am excited to now be offering birth photography! Soon I will be officially certified and I look forward to being able to help busy Mamas who want this incredible miracle documented.

birth is
such a miracle

here's what you'll get:

My on-call time, 24/7 from 38 weeks until you deliver! 

unlimited time at your birth from active labor through 2 hours after delivery 

80+ digital images included 

Print Release (to print images at the lab of your choice)

birth photography
is a photojournalistic style of photography to show off what's unique about your family & Birth!  

I'm ready to apply!

bonus #1
$250 newborn session credit 

bonus #2
complimentary consultation before your birth

You'll get $250 towards a newborn session if you're selected for the birth photography model call! 

A 60 minute consultation so we
can discuss your birth preferences as well as get to know each other! 

and then, there are the 


sounds great!

so, how much does it cost?

birth photography
model call special

3 payments of $225
$675 pay in full

on call 24/7 from 38 weeks until delivery

unlimited time at your birth

80+ digital images

a photo preview within 24 hours


apply Now!

normally it would cost $1800, but for you... 

What does it mean to be a 

birth photography "Model?" 

As a birth photography model, you're getting a significant discount on birth photography so I can build my portfolio. 

A mom who signs up for this model call will be asked to sign a model release in exchange for the discount so I can promote birth photography to other moms! Rest assured, I will ONLY share PG images! 

There are only 5 spots available at this discounted price. Once those spots are filled, the price will increase! 

apply now!

Let's tell your baby's story from chapter one

© Savannah Flagstad Photography 2023

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